Learning New Things

Nov 21, 2015 | Uncategorized


By Edwin D. Arceo

One of my goals for buying an iPad is to be able to have a copy of the Bible installed in it so I can read it at occasions in which I know I cannot do with a printed version. For example, due to my schedule, I’d like to be able to read while commuting to the office. Or while in the bathroom.

I am now able to do that but it also made me realize something. I am ashamed that I have to buy an iPad just to “rediscover” the richness of the Bible. I could have done that using the many Bibles we have at home.

It was a good thing that the bible reading software I downloaded, Olive Tree, had a built-in Daily Bible Reading Guide aside from a free copy of the American Standard Version. I thought that would be enough but after a week of using it, I decided that I cannot continue using the version as the language was still like the King James Version’s thees and thous.

So I bought one in the New Living Translation. I bought it because it was the cheapest. I now find it well translated. I did not need the New International Version which nearly twice the price.

I am discovering new things in the Bible that I have not noticed since I began reading it a lot more earnestly. I was discovering answers to questions I had before that I was not satisfied with other people’s explanations. I was observing new things, too!

I know how important daily bible reading is to a Christian. But I was not doing it. I have been struggling with it for a long time and now that I am doing it, I tell myself how much I have missed opportunities to become deeper in my faith. The Bible is a treasure trove. Many Christians may not realize it. I did.

I encourage all you read this to open your Bible daily and read a verse from the Torah, the first five books of the Old Testament, one from the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, then one form the poetic books starting with Ezra and one from Pauline writings.

Put new eyes into what you are reading. Ask God for His wisdom. All the things that you will read that you may have thought you’ve know already will come into new light.

God richly bless you!

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