Jewish Sanhedrin joins Christians for World Creation Concert

Sep 8, 2018 | Faith, Israel, Nena Benigno

Vision to build Third Temple and new United Nations in Jerusalem Launched

For the first time in history, Jews invited Christians and representatives of the governments of 70 nations of the globe to gather in Jerusalem for the “World Creation Concert” last September 3. The Jewish Sanhedrin, the revived highest tribunal of the Jewish state and religion, and the Mikdash (Temple Educational Center) hosted the event timed with the 70th anniversary of the rebirth Israel and the eve of the 5778th anniversary of the creation of the world according to the Hebrew Calendar. The site of the concert was the Southern side of the Temple Mount, site of the Biblical Holy Temple built by Solomon and rebuilt by King Herod. According to Jewish tradition, the creation of the world began at the foundation stone that lay under the Holy of Holies in the Temple.

The evening concert was a spectacular and dazzling narrative of the six days of creation depicted in music and lights beamed on the ancient walls of the Temple. The creation story was interwoven with articles prepared for the Third Temple, including the giant golden Menorah, a symbol of God’s light. The center stage was a huge Ark, upon which an orchestra played classical, choral and traditional Jewish music, including excerpts from the Psalms related to the story of creation.

Rabbi Hillel Weiss, spokesman for the Sanhedrin explained that the purpose of the concert was to unite the world in the name of love and the messianic vision of peace. They invited leaders representing the 70 countries of the world to come and stand for the 70 nations that populated the world in the time of the grandsons of Noah.

Around 1,000 people attended the concert which was all in Hebrew. Most of the audience were Jewish, with less than a hundred Christians in attendance. Only Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico responded to the invitation to send high-ranking representatives of their nations.

A high point of the program was the signing of an agreement  by the representatives of the nations to “accompany the people of God” in establishing the Third Temple as a “House of Prayer for All Nations.”

Rabbi Weiss explained that in these times of global trouble and chaos, the United Nations “has failed to unite the world…to cope with these issues…because the U.N. is not based on Biblical principles that unite humankind”. The concert is a “first step towards establishing a Biblically based United Nations. This necessarily has to be in Jerusalem, the city whose name means peace.”

Christians attending the concert said they were greatly impressed and inspired by the artistry and beauty of the presentation. But a number have observed that world peace can only come with the return of the “Prince of Peace,” Yeshua HaMashiach or Jesus Christ  who said, “My peace I give you, my peace I leave with you, I do not give to you as the world gives.” And He has already built the Third Temple, the “Temple of the Holy Spirit,” and raised it in the hearts of people “from every tongue and tribe and nation” who receive him as Lord and “Lamb of God,” sacrificed as permanent atonement for sin on the Cross.

They say they enjoy the true and lasting peace that comes from reconciliation with his Father, the God of Israel, Creator of the World.

They do agree that one day, the nations will be united by  Messiah in the Holy City of Jerusalem, and as the Torah puts it: “Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over his Kingdom, to establish it and uphold it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever.” (Isaiah 9:7)

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