Isaiah 55:6-7

Oct 10, 2010 | Edwin Arceo, Faith

Seek the LORD while you can find him.
Call on him now while he is near.
Let the wicked change their ways
and banish the very thought of doing wrong.
Let them turn to the LORD that he may have mercy on them.
Yes, turn to our God, for he will forgive generously.

When do you think you will not be able to find God and call to Him? Will such time ever come? I think it will. That time is called The Great Tribulation. I’m no expert in eschatology (study of the end-times) but I also think that we are very near the end times. This generation might see the return of Jesus. Will we be ready?

The pleasure of sin is such an illusion. It wraps you up in good feelings and before you know it, God can’t get through you anymore. You stop hearing him because you are immersed in the feelings it gives you. But Jesus does not stop reaching out. He is always with us.

If you are deep in sin right now, when will you “…change your way and banish the very thought of doing wrong?” I must admit, the battle against sin is a tough one, but not an impossible undertaking. We need to have a conscious and intentional decision to stop sinning–even if you can’t yet. This is where we start, at the decision. Getting to its fulfillment is a different story–but you need to decide.

Jesus, while we can find you and call to you, help us sinners to decide that we need to stop sinning because this is not your will and design for us. We need to change our ways and banish every thought of doing sin. We know you love us and your mercy is never-ending. Help us to turn to you that you may forgive us. We love you Lord in Jesus’ name. Amen!

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