Is Anything too Hard for Me?

Dec 5, 2011 | Uncategorized

Jeremiah 32:27, “I am the Lord, the God of all the peoples of the world. Is anything too hard for me?
Yes, is there anything too hard for God? To answer this question, we dare only search ourselves and find out the truth. I hope the answer will not surprise us.

Rembrandt van Rijn, "Jeremiah Lamenting the Destruction of Jerusalem", c. 1630

When God said these words to Jeremiah, Israel was in the middle of a Babylonian siege. People were getting hungry and dying of disease. The king and his officers were very confident that Jeremiah’s prophecies will not come to pass, that Israel and its king will not be taken to Babylon as Jeremiah has said. They did not believe that God’s words spoken through Jeremiah were true.

Israel’s stubbornness and unbelief is remarkable. So can we today.

Too many Christians, at times including me, have a hard time believing, waiting and holding on to God, His words and His promises. In a difficult situation, our heart tells us to believe but our actions betray us. We put things in our own hands instead of believing in the power of God to change situations. Or we just simply ignore them.

Reading the Bible will give us an insight on the will of God in our lives. The Bible is God’s word and it is the truth. When the Bible ministers to us or tells us what we should do, we need to humble ourselves and obey what it says. We need to believe that nothing is too difficult for God.

God made the heavens and the earth in six days. Nothing is too hard for Him.

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