How to Seek the Kingdom of God

Feb 6, 2014 | Uncategorized

ID-10051362Most of us would be familiar with the words in Matthew 6:33 (NLT) , “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” We’ve heard it taught in one form or another. There is even a song based on these verse. But what does it really take to seek the Kingdom of God? Let me provide a few ideas. You may have heard or read this some where else but just bear with me. To seek something, you need to know what it is right? Had anyone ever seen the Kingdom of God? Do we know what it looks like? If we refer to the visions of the Apostle John in Patmos found in the Book of Revelations, we may have a good idea…that is if you’ve even read it. But Jesus asked us to seek the Kingdom. It must mean that the Kingdom can be found. On earth. According to an article in

The word “kingdom” means rule, dominion. To seek God’s kingdom is:

  • To seek His sovereign rule, His will, and authority in one’s life.
  • It is to promote those things that will produce the same in those around us. It means to promote, support, and work for the edification and growth of believers and evangelism and outreach of the lost.
  • We also seek His kingdom when we yearn for His coming kingdom with the return of the King and live accordingly, with a view to heavenly treasures and the glory of God.

Now that we know what the kingdom is, how do we find it?

  1. We read the Bible
  2. We pray.
  3. We worship.
  4. We help others.

We all know this right? (1) But have YOU found the Kingdom? Meaning you have had Jesus have dominion over YOUR life? (2) Have you been living righteously which is part of the command? (3) Has God given YOU everything YOU need? If YOU can honestly say YES to these three questions then YOU have found. You may “think” that you have everything you need but still not have the Kingdom. If you are not living righteously, then you do not have kingdom. Its that simple.

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