Grace, So Amazing!

Oct 3, 2015 | Uncategorized


By Edwin D. Arceo

You’ve read it, hear it, watched it, preached on you hundreds of times. Grace. It’s a lot different when you are just a spectator rather than a player in this arena called life.

To any one who acknowledges that he or she has a faith, grace becomes unique to the Christian variety. For someone who has been a Christian since 1989, I have experienced its form of grace and is so grateful about it. I cannot even begin to imagine a life without grace, especially the one that Jesus gave us.

Grace is personal, “…For it is by grace [I] have been saved, through faith—and this is not from [myself], it is the gift of God–” Ephesians 2:8 (NIV, emphasis mine). If I did not recognized God’s grace, I would most likely be in a dump right now looking for my own concept of salvation. But through God’s grace He found me, took me in, nurtured me and even in my rebellion, came for me.

I’m a person who reads a lot and am really saddened at how other faiths do not have a concept of grace. If grace were just an abstract Christian concept, then how come it “transforms” people from one sad state to a glorious one? Is it just an emotional kind of thing? I know in my heart that I have experienced grace. And it is just overwhelming!

When you sin, grace takes you by the hand and brings you back to Jesus, who gracefully forgives you and cleanses you and restores you. He even takes away the shame associated with sin! He takes away condemnation. He takes away His judgement. How can I NOT be grateful about grace? I experience it everyday.

Romans 3:24, “and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.”

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