God Speaks Through Innocent Lips

Aug 7, 2017 | Uncategorized

By Bettinna Carlos

Don’t you find it amusing how sometimes the most random of things our children say speak so much to us about life (and love)? How sometimes, us parents are reminded by God through the tiny, innocent lips of our kids?

Here are some life principles my five-year-old reminds me of from time to time and what I feel God tells me through her.

Gummy says, “God answers prayers.” The first thing she said upon learning that she landed a role in a TV commercial (Knorr). Mummy’s response, “Yes, God does. God knows the desires of our hearts. And if our desires are for us, He will give them to us in His perfect time. Also, pray unceasingly. God will give it to you if it is for you. Nothing can thwart God’s plans.”

Gummy says, “Dreams come true!” She exclaimed this last week when she received her first bike. Apparently she has dreamt of a purple bike. And she receives it in the same color she has desired and dreamt of and prayed for. Mummy’s response, “When we ask, be very specific. And when God answers our prayers, as per our request, do not be surprised. Instead, be thankful. Always be thankful by how ever God will answer our prayers.”

Gummy says, “Even if you run away or hide, God can still see you.” She told this to a classmate who mischievously did something and ran and locked himself in the restroom of their classroom. According to the teacher, Gummy followed him, knocked on the door and shouted “(name of classmate), even if you hide, Papa God can still see you!” Mummy’s response, “Truly nothing passes God’s sight. Do not be like Jonah, who kept running away from God. You cannot escape God and His plans. Until you heed His call, He will not stop pursuing you. The more you run away from Him, the louder would be His prompting each time.”

Gummy says, “Mom how come even paper cuts?” Just the other day she saw blood from holding paper carelessly. She only realized she got a cut when there was visible blood. Then it sunk in that it hurt. Mummy’s response, “There are things that you never expect can hurt you. Always be careful. It’s the things you don’t see coming that can actually hurt you more.”

Gummy says, “If you want God to bless you, you have to obey.” She told her classmate. Mummy’s response, “You have to respond in obedience the moment you receive the command. Because delayed obedience is disobedience.”

Gummy says, “Do you know that when you lie, you give a piece of your heart to the devil?” Mummy’s response, “When we consistently lie, we become so comfortable in it that it hardens our heart and drives us far from God. At the end of the day, we have a choice: who do we want to be happy – God or the devil?”

Gummy says: “My classmate was hurt and I hugged her.” Mummy’s response: “Yes, sometimes when we are hurt or make a mistake, we don’t need words of correction or comfort. Sometimes all we really need is a hug to know that everything will be okay. And that somebody is there for us.”

Gummy says, “It’s okay, mom.” Forgiving me as I admit to her in tears that I raised my voice because I was stressed about something and that I took it out on her. Mummy’s response, “Yes, it is okay. It is okay to cry and be hurt. It is okay to make mistakes. It is okay to admit that you are wrong and weak. It’s okay to not always be strong. In those moments, be reminded that when you are weak, then He is strong. When you make a mistake, we can always ask for forgiveness and restore what was lost or broken.”

Gummy says, “(To her classmate) It’s okay. God will give you something better.” Mummy’s response, “Principle of replacement. When God takes away something, you can be sure that He will always replace it with something better. Always.”

How has God spoken to you today through your child? Care to share? Email me your stories at [email protected] I would love to hear from you!

Bettinna Carlos or Mummy Bite [Bee-té] or Bites is a modern, single, Christian, working mom. Everything she does is for the Lord and her 5 year old gummy bear, Amanda [or Gummy]. She starts her day with prayer and devotionals which she shares on Instagram, with the hopes of bringing more people to Jesus.

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