Giving Should Not Be Seasonal

Dec 13, 2021 | Edwin Arceo, Lifestyle

hands holding giving goods

There is this saying that “Christmas is the season of giving.” If I can have it my way, there should not be a season for this act. Every day should be a season of giving. I would probably take out the word “season” because it connotes a coming and going. Giving should not come and go. It should always come.

Since bonuses and 13th (in some industries even 14th, 15th month) pays (mandated in the Philippines where I live) are usually given during this time, it has become sort of a tradition that giving peaks during this time. Giving is also motivated when there is a disaster like what happened when super typhoon Haiyan devastated the Central Visayas region of the Philippines. Reports have it that domestic giving from various fundraising activities by major television networks were at its highest, probably reaching 1 billion pesos if you include in the computation all the gifts-in-kind given such as food, water, and clothing.

This is not to say that there is anything wrong with this. What I am trying to say is that we should not put a timeframe on when we should give or what circumstance. Giving should be a part of our lives because the God who loves and cares for us does it every minute of every hour of every day.

Yes, life is hard. With the ever-increasing cost of electricity, fuel, water, and other basic necessities, giving is becoming a luxury. This should not be! Giving should be a way of life. It should be part of our lives.

As giving becomes a part of our lives, then giving becomes easier too!

Our giving should also not be pressured by how much we can give. We should not have the mentality that if we give something small, it’s not going to be worth it. And if there is ever a recipient who would tell us that what we gave is small then that person does not deserve our giving in the first place.

As giving becomes a part of our lives, then giving becomes easier too! I admit that sometimes it gets difficult to part with my hard-earned money. I think everyone who gives goes through that experience. Let me tell you this, even Jesus agonized when He was about to give His life for my sins. That was the ultimate giving. If Jesus can give His life then giving someone your money should be easier. Again, easier said than done.

What I have decided is that I will fight my physical desire not to give. I may struggle with it but it’s okay. I want to have an attitude of giving because my God gave His life for me. I need to remember that every day of my life and that I should be grateful and do my share so that our Father in heaven may be glorified.

Let me conclude that the act of giving gives glory to God. That is why we should do it. We don’t have to wait until the next 13th-month pay or bonus or even the next disaster to give. We need to make giving a habit.

Edwin is the founder and publisher of Jacob’s Fountain, a website dedicated to publishing content that refreshes others so that others may also be refreshed.

He also works as the Manager for Merchandise Development at CBN Asia, the producer of the long-running weeknight inspirational show, The 700 Club Asia. He has been working here since 1994. Edwin is also the husband to Emy and a father to his two sons, Ephraim and Edwin James.

Read more of Edwin’s articles HERE!

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