Face-to-face With a Miracle

Jul 21, 2012 | Uncategorized

The Bible tells all sorts of stories of miracles. But tell me, have you ever seen or experienced one? Last Thursday, July 19, I was face-to-face with one.

I was with a group of CBN donors in Taytay to document the distribution of wheelchairs for Operation Blessing. I was there doing the usual thing, making sure I get the required photos I need. I was kind of shadowing one of our donors so I can get a good shot of him ministering to our beneficiaries.

Then I noticed a van coming in. I knew there were still beneficiaries who will be getting a wheelchair. So I went ahead and approached the van and was there when the rear door opened. There she was, Socorro. She suffered a stroke last September and the right side of her body was paralyzed. I thought this was a good photo opp for our donor. Little did I know what God was about to do.

Socorro is settled into her wheelchair

Socorro is wheeled into the distribution site

That was the time God moved.

I had my back to them still shooting. I turned around and there was a commotion. Socorro was trying to get up. God was moving! I knew in my heart hat would happen and I quickly went back. Socorro was crying. Her body was shaking. My colleague and our donor were in intense prayer. Socorro was standing up. Then, she made her first step. It was difficult for her. Her tears were flowing. God was healing her body. She took another step. Then another and another. We were crying with her. God is good!

Socorro is approached to be prayed for

Socorro takes her first steps after suffering a stroke last September

Socorro had to sit on her wheelchair because she was tired with all the emotion and at what God was doing. Her daughter who was standing at the back, witnessing all that was happening was weeping. Her prayers were answered in such an unexpected way!Peter Kairuz, the host of The 700 Club Asia was with us and prayed for Socorro, declaring and celebrating God’s healing of Socorro. She wasn’t done yet. After resting for a bit, she tried standing up again because our host was calling all our beneficiaries to the front. Socorro would not want to be wheeled in. God has healed her right?

So with effort, she stood up again. Took a step, then another and another until she walked probably 30 meters to the front. Can you imagine that? That was a miracle! I saw it with my own eyes and below are the photos to prove it.

Socorro stands again to go to the front

Socorro walked probably 30 meters to the front

Socorro’s testimony of healing is shared at the front to encourage the other wheelchair beneficiaries

Are you feeling hopeless? God loves you and has a perfect plan for you. If only you would receive Him to be your Lord and Savior then He can begin redeeming you from whatever circumstance you are in right now, be it sickness, debt, emotional or spiritual. If you would allow God in your life, He will take you out of the darkness you may be in right now.

Where ever you are or whatever you are doing, you just need to pray this prayer, “Jesus, I recognize that I am a sinner. I know that I am lost without you. I repent of my sins. Would please come into my life and take over? I open my heart to you. I receive you as my LORD and Savior, in Jesus’ name, AMEN!

If you prayed that prayer, then you are a child of God now. As in right now!

God bless you!


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