I just came from the western part of Thailand for a short-term mission trip…and it was totally disrupting…as I intended it to be.
Too many Christians in the city with stable jobs and happy families are more than content to stay where they are most comfortable. Majority of Christians do not even have missions in their mind. When I say missions, I refer to cross-cultural missions to the unreached people groups of the world. Come to think of it, Christianity would not have happened if the first believers did not go on a mission trip.
When I started writing this article, I googled, “How many Christian missionaries are there in the world?” and in .46 seconds, I was given 104 million results. On top of the search results you will find this link: www.thetravelingteam.org/stats/ Seeing the numbers on the webpage, surprised would be an understatement. I was shocked at the statistics about missions! (Please visit the link and find out for yourselves.)
How can the end come—Jesus coming back—when 3.11 billion people have not yet heard the good news? Tell me how?
One of my thoughts was, “How can Christians say that Jesus is coming back soon when 42.2% of the world’s population is unreached?” Didn’t Matthew 24:14 say, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come”? How can the end come—Jesus coming back—when 3.11 billion people have not yet heard the good news? Tell me how?
I’m telling you, if you are so tired of this world, its corruption, its poverty, its crime, and so many more, and your thoughts are, “Jesus please come back for us, Your children, quickly.” then I am sorry to say, that will not happen yet. There are so many people that have yet to hear.
So what do you do? If you have been a Christian for over ten years and have not been out of the country to share the Gospel then I recommend that you disrupt your world: Go on a short-term mission trip. Go to a place where there is already an on-going mission work led by actual missionaries, heck you’re own church may already have a mission trip in the works. Find out how God is using ordinary people like you and me, like the Apostle Paul, to hasten Jesus’s return. Experience the joy of sharing the good news with a different culture and seeing that person receive the best gift that you can offer: salvation.
Don’t worry about the money. God will provide. I know because I have experienced it already. The money came to me from unexpected sources. The most important thing is that you desire to make Jesus known among the nations. If that is your desire then Jesus will make it happen. Now, start disrupting your world.
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