Depression Can be Beaten!

Jun 2, 2020 | Edwin Arceo, Lifestyle

depression can be beaten

Depression is a vicious enemy. It pounces on you when you least expect it. You may feel strong today and then a weakling tomorrow. It comes and it goes. The bad news is, sometimes, depression stays.

Hormonal imbalance, extreme and uncontrollable circumstances, tired or hungry, and spiritual oppression are some of the many factors why we get depressed. Now I am in no way an expert on depression. But I do get depressed and keep track of why. And just like many others, I had to deal with it.

Depression, and in general, mental health, is such a hot topic today. Many a famous celebrity has succumbed to its pressure and took their own lives. Famous or not, it can strike anyone, whether you are a man or a woman, a child or an adult, married or single. It chooses no one.

Whatever your ideological persuasion or faith, depression is tough. It’s also addictive. It strangles. I also believe it is a demonic influence. As a professing Christian, I do believe that the devil, we usually call him Satan, can influence us so negatively to the point that we are able to commit things that we cannot even imagine doing.

Depression sets on people from the lowliest to the highest-profile person you know. It does not favor anyone. It can be said that it is normal to be depressed. Remaining depressed is the problem. Ugly things like suicide do not happen overnight. It starts small. Then it grows bigger. And bigger and bigger. Until a time comes when it becomes uncontainable.

As mentioned earlier, depression can be addictive. We come to a point when feeling so down and lonely and miserable makes us feel better. Why else do we keep getting depressed? Because of this, our depression becomes harder to handle. But we return to depression just the same. It’s the same as self-pity, anger, smoking, watching porn. Some of them may not lead you to commit suicide but just the same, they are all very destructive.

Handle depression by treating it like what James 4:7 advises, “So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” These are such straightforward words from the Bible. I know you will say that it’s not as easy as it seems. I agree with you. But we can also say that “with God, all things are possible,” including resisting the devil who most probably is influencing you to be depressed. So if someone did something to hurt you and you got depressed. Resist the devil! Humble yourself, forgive the person who offended you, and bring your hurt to God. He heals all kinds of hurt.

Afterward, confide with a trusted friend or mentor. This person is someone who will not judge and at the same time agree with everything you say. Remember, when we are hurting, we tend to say things that are one-sided. Pray for a person who really listens, who posses a balanced knowledge of the Word of God. You will also need a teachable, humble heart. Able to accept what the truth of God’s Word says.

My apologies if I had to go all Christian on you dear reader. That is who I am. I believe in what the Bible prescribes to us who believe in His name. You can believe that too—and overcome.

Edwin is the founder and publisher of Jacob’s Fountain, a website dedicated to publishing content that refreshes others so that may also be refreshed.

He also works as the Manager for Merchandise Development at CBN Asia, the producers of the long-running weeknight inspirational show, The 700 Club Asia. He has been working here since 1994. Edwin is also the husband to Emy and a father to his two sons, Ephraim and Edwin James.

You can read more of Edwin’s articles HERE!

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