Church Strengthening Ministries (CSM) just a few weeks ago released to the market a New Living Translation (NLT) of the Bible in subtle but beautiful, new covers. These series of four new covers are great gift items for people in your circle that you want to have a copy of the Bible. Add to the fact that it is in the NLT means that it is written in contemporary English and has a more informal tone, therefore, easier to understand.
As I mentioned above, I love the new covers. As a creative, I can really appreciate the effort put into these covers, which I found out from a friend at CSM, were designed in-house by two of their creatives. So shout out to the two artists, 1 bro and a sis, you guys did a great job!

It would be amiss to mention that this Bible is not for those with eye problems. The text of the Bibles is quite small. Personally, I do not have a problem reading the pages even though my glasses are at +8 and +9. This is because the NLT uses a font called Lucerna which was exclusively designed by Brian Sooy for the publisher, Tyndale, for the small letter sizes. These Bibles were also laid out very well in the usual two-column style which is a lot easier to read than one, wide column. The indentions also made it easier to find the next line.
There is also a one-year Bible reading guide that will take you from Genesis to Revelation, in that order, in one year. Each book in the Bible has a brief introduction section which will give you additional information about the material you are reading. I like those; that is why I prefer a study Bible rather than the regular Bibles so that I can have a better understanding of what I am reading. Of course, let me be clear that these Bibles are not study Bibles. 😅
A welcome bonus content is the “How to Know Jesus Personally” section where the reader is taken through God’s plan for every believer and how to lead someone to a saving knowledge of Jesus.
The Bibles retail for P275.00.