Welcome to Our Harold Sala Articles Archive
What Does Integrity Look Like Today?

What Does Integrity Look Like Today?

In a TV drama entitled Uprising, the plight of the Jews of Warsaw and how they resisted the forces of the Third Reich is vividly portrayed. Some 350,000 men and women were forced like animals into the Ghetto where they were systematically annihilated. In the drama...

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5 Ways to Beat Procrastination

5 Ways to Beat Procrastination

When you wait because you are uncertain as to whether or not you should do something, that's wisdom; but when you are certain of what you should do and don't do it, that is procrastination. Example #1: Your tooth hurts and you know that it needs attention, but you've...

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Here is the Thing About Jesus

Here is the Thing About Jesus

When he was asked who was the most influential person in his life, George Bush, who followed in his father's footsteps as President of the United States, quickly responded, "Jesus Christ!" No, the answer wasn't designed to win friends and votes, because that answer...

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Is the Human Heart Really Evil?

Is the Human Heart Really Evil?

When Richard Smith spoke at a workshop on a Christian approach to counseling, he talked about the fact that we were created in the image of God yet the human heart is depraved and evil. A pastor objected, feeling that he had gone too far. As Richard explained what the...

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Discover the One True Lighthouse

Discover the One True Lighthouse

The Naval Institute's magazine carried the story of a battleship captain who was concerned about rough seas and fog when, quite suddenly, a bright light appeared on the horizon. The captain immediately had the signalman send the message, "Change course immediately!" ...

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The Promises of God Are for You

The Promises of God Are for You

Nehemiah, the cupbearer to the Persian King Artaxerxes, describes something which is unique in all history. Speaking of Israel in the wilderness, he says of God, "Because of your great compassion you did not abandon them in the desert. By day the pillar of cloud did...

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How Do I Live a Life in Christ?

How Do I Live a Life in Christ?

A dying man never says, "I wish I had spent more time at the office!" A man's last words always come from his heart! They are sometimes harsh, sometimes sentimental, and sometimes provocative. But you never forget them. What Jesus shared with the twelve as they sat...

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3 Guidelines on How to View Time

3 Guidelines on How to View Time

"Dost thou love life?" asked the venerable Ben Franklin more than 200 years ago. "Then do not squander time, for that's the stuff life is made of!" And who would question what Franklin said? Regardless of the inequities in life, when it comes to the use of our time,...

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