Bestselling author Joel Rosenberg, does it again and completes his The 12th Imam series with a bang! I just finished reading the “Damascus Countdown,” the last of the trilogy and I should say, its a thriller all the way to the last chapter. The epilogue brought my adrenaline down though as what it should do.
The book starts where the Tehran Initiative ended where the protagonist, Reza Tabrizi, real name, David Shirazi, was plotting how to stop an all-out nuclear war between the Israelis and Iran. And as the title suggests, Syria, who is all over the news in the “real world,” is the main location down at the end of the book. You’ll have to read it for yourself to find out how it ends.
The main events in the book were based on Old Testament prophecies from Isaih, Jeremiah and Ezekiel. You will learn a lot of end-time teachings while reading as discussed by one of the main character, Dr. Alireza Birjandi, who was like a spiritual father to David. He was also friend. Dr. Birjandi also happens to have a major part in the story. It would be unfair to tell here so read the book.
All-in-all, the reading experience was great. I read it during my commute which is a frustrating act because I only have 30-45 minutes to read. My bigget reading break happened whenI waited one and a half hours to get a ride to the office and the succeeding traffic of another hour. 😎
The book was such a thriller that for more than a couple of times, I was really tempted to peek at the end. Did David and Dr. Birjandi survived the mission? Did the 1th Imam succeeded in launching a nuclear strike on Israel? Did the prophecies came true?
Here is a much better excerpt from Joel’s website,
I got the book on discount from OMF Literature at their booth during the 2013 Manila International Bookfair and I was glad I did. Make sure to read the first two books first before reading this one, its worth it. If you want to check it out first, you can download a PDF of the first copy at If you love spy thrillers and with a Christian twist, then this is the book for you.
You can read my thoughts on the “Tehran Initiative” here: and the first book, “The Twelfth Imam” here: