BOOK REVIEW: Miracle Money

Jul 9, 2018 | Edwin Arceo, Reviews

By Edwin D. Arceo

“Miracle Money” is a book about supernaturally receiving God’s gracious provision in your time of need (or want). If you want to know the details, then you NEED to buy the book.

I was able to buy my copy when it was launched last June 23 during the Freedom! Deliverance Conference 2018. I bought it as part of a bundle of five books worth 999 pesos.

I read it devotional style during my commute to the office, one chapter on weekdays. It takes only about 10-15 minutes to finish a chapter and with the traffic that we have in Metro Manila, it’s fast! As I post this I’m currently in Chapter 10.

Pastor Hiram uses quite a number of biblical illustrations and people’s (his and others) personal experience with the supernatural provision of God. So if you do not read your Bible enough to know how God supplies the need of His people, then you need start opening your Bible every day…and buy the book too. 😎

Since I and my wife, Emy, have a good idea of what the book was all about, I started reading the book a few days after the conference. Little did I know that God would give us a demonstration of His miracle money.

God allowed us to experience His miracle money! It was an amazing feeling.

A few days before the conference, my wife helped one of our churchmates coordinate the wedding of their son. Emy did not really ask for payment for her services but really just wanted to help. Ok, I need to come clean, I “volunteered” my wife. There, I said it. She reluctantly accepted but she also wanted to be compensated because coordinating a wedding is really hard work. So she did all she can to help with the wedding but did not ask for a specific amount. Immediately after the reception, we went home because we got really tired. She desired to be paid but did not want to demand. Then came the following Saturday when Freedom! Deliverance Conference 2108 was held and where Pastor Hiram introduced the book and challenged the audience to give a seed money for the next conference. Emy and I were seated far from each other and we both made a seed offering. We wanted to help. But deep in our hearts we also wanted to experience God’s miracle money. That was why come Sunday, after the deliverance conference, our churchmate handed Emy 5,000 pesos! It was more than she expected. God allowed us to experience His miracle money! It was an amazing feeling.

Now back to the book.

Pastor Hiram brings his readers to the basic teachings about God’s provision in Chapter 1. Everything needs to be biblical and he does it so well. The scriptures he uses to explain his points are straight on. The preceding chapters then demonstrate, in various biblical situations, how God performs miracles to provide for His people. He brings out stories from both the Old and New Testaments to prove his points. And to further explain that God’s miracle provisions do not stop in the last verse of the Bible, he then proceeds to narrate his first-hand experiences with miracle money. If he does not have a direct experience, he tells the stories of people he personally knows who God provided for miraculously. What a mighty God we serve!

As I mentioned earlier, the chapters are easy to read and grasp. The font size is good to the eyes (I should know, my eyes are a +10 and +12). The reader would really be able to understand that God can provide and He does it so miraculously.

As I write this, Miracle Money is only being sold at Church So Blessed in Timog Ave., Quezon City for 200.00. It’s not available anywhere else so you will need to go there. Call this number 0943-816-5838 for more details.

Edwin is the Founder and Publisher of Jacob’s Fountain, a website dedicated to publishing content that aims to help a believer’s walk in Jesus and glorifies God in the process.

He also works as the Manager for Merchandise Development at CBN Asia, the producers of the long-running weeknight inspirational show, The 700 Club Asia. He has been working here since 1994. Edwin is also the husband to Emy and a father to his two sons, Ephraim and Edwin James.

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