BOOK REVIEW: Healing is Yours

Jun 1, 2015 | Uncategorized

This book is for you even if you are not sick! Healing is Yours is a very inspiring book by Ptr. Hiram G. Pangilinan, not just because of the many miracles that were narrated in the book, but also about the message that we, as ordinary people, can be used by an extraordinary God to be used to heal people.

I started reading this book primarily because I want to see my wife healed from diabetes. She contracted the disease a couple of years after giving birth to our second son. Not only that, she suffers from mitral valve prolapse (MVP) where the mitral valve of her heart sometimes flutter. This disorder causes her much pain that can be mistaken for a heart attack.

The book’s dream, or rather, Ptr. Hiram’s dream, is to see an army of thousands of ordinary people believing in an extraordinary God, who will move in healings and miracles, for all the world to know that our God saves and heals!

But just as the title of the book says. “Healing is Yours”! And I claim it for myself and for my wife for those that God will allow me to meet to pray for.

The book’s dream, or rather, Ptr. Hiram’s dream, is to see an army of thousands of ordinary people believing in an extraordinary God, who will move in healings and miracles, for all the world to know that our God saves and heals!

Ptr Hiram starts the book with the meaning of healing, its model and means of healing. This is not a book telling a formula on how to heal. No definitely not. This is a book which encourages the reader to trust God and believe that He heals even to this day and hour. The book progresses on the various methods that healing is dispensed to the sick. Again, they are not formulae. It is just how God moves.

The bok ends with memory verses on healing that can be used to drive off sicknesses and diseases.

The book blessed me as I read it, even becoming teary-eyed during my commute, where I usually have the time to read. This is an easy read and will not take the reader a long time to finish. I read it probably in three commutes. You won’t get bored because you will be continually amazed at how God moves through the events where Ptr. Hiram was used to heal someone. Those stories are all over the book.

Please take the time to read the book. Its not very expensive and the gains that you have are much, much more than the price of the book. My wife bought the book when she heard Ptr. Hiram speak at a missions workshop but I believe it is available at various Philippine Christian Bookstore (PCBS) and Church So Blessed branches. You can also check out the book’s Facebook page HERE and Ptr. Hiram’s Facebook fan page HERE.

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