BOOK RAFFLE: Hope When It Hurts

Aug 6, 2018 | Uncategorized

Suffering is real. But so is hope.

We guess you are facing a time of struggle, or that someone you love is. We know what that is like. We are walking through it ourselves.

So we wrote this book for you – because there’s more to suffering than meets the eye. God wants to give you hope not just beyond our hurts, but in your hurts. That hope is often hard to see when life is at its very hardest.

“Balm for weary hearts.” – Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

But it is possible – and it is wonderful.

“Kristen and Sarah open up their hearts and their stories, and lift up your eyes to a God who loves you.” —Kathleen Nielson

“Keep a copy close – you’ll find yourself running to it again and again.”—Erin Davis

About the authors

Kristen Wetherell is Ministry Content Manager at Unlocking the Bible and blogs at She is married to Brad.

Sarah Walton is married to Jeff and is a mother to four children. She lives in Chicago and blogs at

Hope When It Hurts is exclusively distributed by Church Strengthening Ministries ( The book is available at the Church Strengthening Ministries book corner, CSM Lazada store for 250.00 pesos each! JOIN THIS RAFFLE AND YOU CAN HAVE IT FOR FREE! (That is if you get chosen.)

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