Arranged Marriages

Nov 3, 2014 | Uncategorized

ID-10026106Arranged marriages are a frequently frowned on tradition today. And who can blame them?  There is no 100% chance that it will be a good match. But how about a God-arranged marriage? It happened in the Bible, could it still happen today? I absolutely believe so!

We are probably familiar with the love story of Isaac and Rebekah. Abraham, knowing that he will soon die, had to make sure that his beloved son Isaac would be settled before he goes. So he sends his oldest servant to his homeland and instructed him to look for a wife for Isaac among his relatives. The servant was unsure that he can find one but Abraham, who was blessed by the LORD in all he does, assured him that God’s angel will be ahead of him and will see to it that the servant finds a wife for Isaac.

For me, this a God-arranged marriage–and nothing could be better. The Bible did not say if Isaac knew his father’s plans and this story is something many people might say happens only in this instance. Really?

I’ve heard (and read on Facebook) a lot of people, women in particular, expressing a strong belief that God will bring to them their “God’s will.” Whether this faith is based on the love story of Isaac and Rebekah found in Genesis 24 I do not know. But I admire these people who wait on God’s arrangement for them. I know of a few who hang on to God’s word for them personally and through other God-fearing people–that God has prepared someone special for them.

That is why I believe that God still arranges marriages today. It may not be as obvious as we may want it to, but it happens whether you believe it or not.

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