Are you havin’ fun giving?

Sep 3, 2015 | Uncategorized

drip-339938_1280By Edwin D. Arceo

Sometimes I don’t, honestly.

But that is the “old man” in me who keeps on reminding me of things that may lack if I give back to God. Giving or more specifically, tithing, has been with me since I was a small boy.

Me and my family grew up in the Seventh-Day Adventist church where tithing is “greatly encouraged.” I didn’t knew back then that God was teaching me to give back to Him. You see, my father had issues with the people in church. He stopped attending. But kept on giving. I was even tasked to bring our tithes every Saturday to church.

Even when my father got sick and had trouble maintaining our family business, he still gave. That character of my father stuck with me. I give back the glory to God when I say that I did not have problems tithing. It was already second-nature to me. I praise God that He gave me a wife that understood this principle. We both give with a cheerful heart.

Then comes the lean times. The “enemy” then reminds you that if I did not gave my tithes, I could have had this, or helped someone, or whatever. But then God already deeply-rooted me to give. So we kept giving, even if its starting to hurt.

Did I lacked anything? If you looked at me, you would say no. I would too! We did not lack anything. We haven’t gone hungry (except if we chose to). We still have clothes to wear. I do not own a car (although I have had people tell me that God will give us one–a blue one) or a house and I can still get from point A to point B, albeit with some perspiration.

God led me to people, godly people, who became such a blessing to me and my family. God used them to bless us. That is why I am greatly thankful for them. I may not even realize it but I’m sure there are some blessing I may not be even aware of that I will get to know only once I’m in heaven.

Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV

The blessing of the LORD brings wealth, and He adds no trouble to it.” Proverbs 10:22 NIV

I know God will understand when I feel like that sometimes, you know, like I don’t want to give anymore. Sometimes when I mentally calculate, around 42% of my gross salary goes to the government and God. I don’t regret giving to God, but to the government? They get more than what God does from me.

And then I look back. I remember that God is good. I remember that when I want something, God in His grace, gives it to me, sometimes. Not often, but sometimes.

We always hear the saying, “God gives you what you need, not what you want.” God is sovereign right? He decides for Himself right? Why wouldn’t He give me what I want? Is God bound to give us only what we need? Then that would not make Him God right?

God promised to give us life and have it more abundantly. If He just gives us what we need, is that abundant? Am I getting it wrong? Or I’m getting it right?

Let me know by posting a comment. God richly bless you!

BTW, I still enjoy giving back to God!

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