Addicted to Bible Reading

Jan 9, 2023 | Edwin Arceo, Faith, Lifestyle

daily bible reading

Last Sunday, as church was about to start, I talked to an 83-year-old Australian who called himself Pastor John about Bible reading. During the course of our conversation, he asked if I have read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. It was a good thing that I DID have read the Bible from beginning to the end. So I felt confident to give an affirmative reply.

Pastor John told me that when he met the Lord in his 30s, somebody told him that he can go through the Bible in a year if he read two chapters from the Old Testament and one chapter from the New Testament every day. When he did it, he got so hooked and was literally “addicted” to daily Bible reading. In the following year, he doubled his pace and read the whole Bible twice in one year. That is no easy feat. Pastor John added that in recent years, he actually increased the number of chapters that he reads. It came to the point that he reads his Bible four times in one year with a month to spare!

I believe Pastor John was used by Holy Spirit to teach me something old and basic to a Christian as daily Bible reading

Obviously, I got a bit embarrassed inside that I was kind of proud to say that I was able to read the Bible from start to end twice. It did take me one and a half years to achieve it so it’s not really remarkable. Now Bible reading is no competition and I can see that it was no small thing to this kind, old man. He was dead serious in what he was doing! I also believe that this is his way of giving glory to God.

So, how are you with your Bible reading? You must have a new devotional journal or Bible reading guide that you promised yourself to start using when 2023 starts. I must admit that I personally am not doing well. As I write this, I just started with my commitment to read through the Bible again this year using the iOS app that I use for daily reading as a result of this conversation with Pastor John. Before that, I was only reading one verse a day with the express intention of studying what it means, not just just reading it.

When I mentioned this to Pastor John, I got rebuked in a kind, gracious way that God primarily wants us to read His word in the Bible. To spend time with Him in meditation (Joshua 1:9). Pastor John replied that what I was doing was not wrong in any sense but that reading the Bible should be paramount in our daily life to deepen our relationship and communion with God.

I believe Pastor John was used by Holy Spirit to teach me something old and basic to a Christian as daily Bible reading. If you were inspired to start your own Bible reading plan, here is a link to resources.

Father God, help me to always make time to read Your Word. This is Your way for us to know You and to deepen our relationship. Thank You for Your grace that You allow meetings like this teach us important things, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Edwin is the founder and publisher of Jacob’s Fountain, a website dedicated to publishing content that refreshes others so that others may also be refreshed.

He also works as the Manager for Merchandise Development at CBN Asia, the producer of the long-running weeknight inspirational show, The 700 Club Asia. He has been working here since 1994. Edwin is also the husband to Emy and a father to his two sons, Ephraim and Edwin James.

Read more of Edwin’s articles HERE!

Image by Lifestylememory on Freepik

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