A Letter to My Tot

Aug 17, 2017 | Uncategorized

By Bettinna Carlos

I will bet that 100-percent of people agree to the saying, “the earlier, the better,” in pursuing most everything in life.

The earlier you know about things to come, the more prepared you will be.

The earlier you know the cause of an illness, the sooner you can give the cure, then the better chances of being healed.The earlier you teach and warn your child about the dangers and realities of this world, the more prepared they will be and the better their measures will be at dealing with them.

The earlier you teach and warn your child about the dangers and realities of this world, the more prepared they will be and the better their measures will be at dealing with them.

Here is a letter I’ve written for my daughter to prepare her for the challenges life may bring. I started saying writing this when she was just three, and I hope this early, she’ll remember them to help her in the future.

Dear Gummy,

These are the things Mummy wants you to start learning and remembering very early on in life:

In life, people will always disappoint you and hurt you unknowingly. People will fail you. Even Mummy will fail you and say things that will hurt you. It is because we are human and therefore we will always make mistakes. I want you to know that when people let you down, you must forgive them (Ephesians 4:32) and pray for them. It is our very carelessness, selfishness, and sinfulness that remind us of our need for Jesus (Romans 3:23).

In life, you will not always get everything you want. But you will definitely have what you need. So when you do not get what you desire, do not frown, okay? Do not feel bad. Because Mummy has learned that “If you don’t have it, then you don’t need it. Because if you need it, God will give it.” Because that is God’s promise. But please know also my Love, that the things that we need are not always pleasant and beautiful. At times they are painful and ugly. Because some things we learn best through going through difficult times. I want you to know that through your joy and pain, Jesus is with you. You may not feel Him at times, but your feelings never change the fact that He is with you always (Matthew 28:20).

The earlier you teach and warn your child about the dangers and realities of this world, the more prepared they will be and the better their measures will be at dealing with them.

Anak, in life I need you to be able to accept a no for an answer. Especially when it is Our Loving Heavenly Father that you asked something from. Sometimes, the answer will be ‘No’ and when that happens, I need you to be fine. I need you to accept that often, what we think we want is not the best that’s why God says ‘No.’ Because God has better plans for you. You will also have times of wondering why God does not want to give you what you want when He says He loves you. When you have those momentary doubts, let me remind you that we are human and God is God. Because of our mortal limitations, we can never fully understand why but we can always put our trust in the God who loves us so much that He only wants what is best for us. (Never question His love, Anak. Read John 3:16 and Romans 5:8 to be reminded of how much God loves you.) I need you to bear Isaiah 55:8-9 in mind, that His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways. His are always higher than ours. But do know, and rest in this fact that God always has your best interest at heart.

Gummy, I need you to know that life is not easy. Especially because we are His. Yes, it is fun because you are still young. But as you get older, things get tougher. And as Christians, we are sure to have a difficult time living in this world with different and difficult people. But I want to remind you that because Jesus himself suffered, so we too will go through the same thing. If Jesus managed, we would too. If God was with His Son through it all, we can be sure that Jesus will be with us too. So when things are hard I want you to bear that and two more things in mind: 1.That suffering has an upside to it – it allows us to bear the fruit of patience and endurance (James 1:2-3) and 2. That you will come out better and new (Isaiah 66:9) – refined and purified like silver (Zechariah 13:9, Psalm 66:10). Life is not a walk in the park but surely there is nothing you cannot do when He is with you (Philippians 4:13).

If you ask me what the secret of life is, I will ask you to open your Bible and read Matthew 6:33. God promises to give you things that will enrich and add up to your life if you put Him first. He said it very clearly, “Seek first My Kingdom…and all these things will be added onto you.” God will surely bless you and He will give you far more than what you have ever imagined or asked for (Ephesians 3:20). Just put Him first.

I want you to know Gummy that you are beautiful, you are special and you are loved. Mummy loves you so much and I wish I can say that no one else in this world loves you more than Mummy does but the truth is, someone does. It is God. God who made you, who knew you before I even conceived you (Jeremiah 1:5), who knows you by name (Isaiah 43:1, Exodus 33:17), who knows you down to the strands of your hair (Matthew 33:10). Gummy, you are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). You were created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:27) and so you must never allow anyone to tell you otherwise. You are my precious one. You are a princess, the child of The King.

Your Mom who wants to spare you from all the pain in the world if she could but knows you need to go through those to become the whole and mature lady God wills for you to be

Parents, let us not neglect praying for our children. Let us pray that as we teach them, and reinforce the lessons that will be deeply rooted in their persona and that the fruits they will bear will be useful in the way they respond to life.

Parents can only do much. Our control and power over our children are very limited. That’s why we need to do as much intentional discipleship as we can while they are still young and malleable. It is our calling to “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old they will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)

Bettinna Carlos or Mummy Bite [Bee-té] or Bites is a modern, single, Christian, working mom. Everything she does is for the Lord and her 5 year old gummy bear, Amanda [or Gummy]. She starts her day with prayer and devotionals which she shares on Instagram, with the hopes of bringing more people to Jesus.

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