Today I am starting a simple “A Day in the Life” series on getting to know the ministers that we hear and see most often. The goal of this series is to allow people a small glimpse into the life of a minister that they may have heard about from other believers or watched on TV shows like The 700 Club Asia.
To jumpstart this series will be Pastor Hiram Pangilinan of Church So Blessed.
Who are you? Please Introduce yourself. “Hi! I’m Hiram Pangilinan.”
What is your church’s/organization’s name and your title there? “I’m the senior pastor of Church So Blessed.”
Please give us a brief testimony of how you met Jesus.“I got to know my need for Jesus and eventually surrendered my life to Him through the witness of a classmate who shared with me the 4 Spiritual Laws. I was then a freshman in college, in 1985.”
What else do you do? “I am also a book author, and have more than a dozen titles now under my name.”
What are your regular spiritual disciplines? Can you provide a picture of how you do it? “I have my devotions in the morning, immediately after waking up. I read my hard-copy Bible with a pen and a highlighter in hand. I read it simultaneously with an audio Bible playing, and wait for insights from Holy Spirit, that I write in the Bible margin.”
What is/are your Bible Study tool/s? “I have different Bible study tools: study Bibles, commentaries, books on theology, inspiration, spiritual disciplines, etc. I also enjoy the apps of Olive Tree and YouVersion.”
Are you an analog (books, pen, and paper) or digital (computer, tablet, smartphone) person? “Both.”
What book are you reading today? “Insurgence by Frank Viola.”
Who is/are the hero/es of your faith? “John Wesley, Charles Finney, Keith Green, A.W. Tozer, Heidi Baker.”
What do you dream for your ministry? “I dream of raising up an army of healers from ordinary believers who will move in power to bring about national revival.”
For more information, you can visit Ptr. Hiram’s Facebook page HERE or the Church So Blessed Facebook page HERE.
Catch Ptr. Hiram as Church So Blessed celebrates its anniversary at the Cuneta Astrodome on June 2, 2019, from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. The afternoon sessions will be about the Signs and Wonders Conference starting at 1:00 pm. ADMISSION IS FREE!