This is What it Means to Respect Others

Sep 20, 2021 | Dennis Heppner

respect each other

Are you being respectful? What is respect? Can you define what it means to respect others? Taking this further, can you define respect for fellow believers?

I recently read this list written by a pastor named Charles W. Christian, which states his principles of respect that have transformed his church’s attitudes and communication between members. Read on:

  • If you have a problem with me, come to me privately.
  • If I have a problem with you, I will come to your privately.
  • If someone comes to you and has a problem with me, send them to me.
  • If someone will consistently not come to me, I will say, “Let’s go to the pastor (or whomever) together. I am sure he will see us about this.”
  • Be careful how you interpret me. If you don’t understand, ask for clarification.
  • I will do the same for you.
  • If it’s confidential, then keep it confidential. Don’t share it as a prayer request.
  • I will not read unsigned letters or notes with no names.
  • I do not manipulate; I will not be manipulated; don’t let others manipulate you.
  • When you are not sure, say so. Ask for more information.

The above rules have many cultural implications, but they are very much Bible principles. and demonstrate that we love others. Think about it. Would our relationships be better if we followed these principles? I believe they would.


In what ways can you improve showing respect to your family, classmates, officemates, or churchmates? In which areas are you doing well? What principle of respect would you like someone to do for you and why?


1 Thessalonians 5:12-13, “We ask you, brothers, to respect those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love because of their work. Be at peace among yourselves.”

Reading Plan: Deuteronomy 1-7


Heavenly Father, help me to be consistently respectful with everyone I know. I pray that I can show my love for others by demonstrating my respect. When it is tough, help me to be motivated by your love for me and others.


Build better relationships by showing respect. Follow the principles and teach them to someone. With these, you can show that you love others! #Respect #Love #Relationships

Dennis Heppner grew up in Canada and was called to ministry as a young boy. Dennis and his wife Denie, who was also called to missions as a child, pastored 4 churches in Canada, but in 1987 the door opened to come to the Philippines as missionaries. They brought their 4 eldest children with them and the kids grew up here. In 2006 they adopted Emma Rose, a special Filipino treasure and a gift from God to their family.

Dennis has been a missionary evangelist in Asia for 25 years. He was the director of LIFESCHOOLS of ministry and pastored 3 churches in the early years of his ministry based in the Philippines. He is currently the founder and President of Developing Effective Leaders (DEL), superintendent of Church of God West Asia, and the founding and lead Pastor of the vibrant, growing Church of God Makati.

Dennis and Denie and their whole family, including Josh and Melody who live in Canada, are committed to missions, leadership, and the call of Christ.

Read more of Ptr. Dennis’s articles HERE.

Extended Bio HERE.

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