Lessons From a CEO at #riseupcebu

Aug 31, 2020 | Adrian Ding, Lifestyle

Lessons from a CEO

In these difficult times, teams are challenging to manage (whether skeletal or from home), but we learned very valuable lessons from an amazing leader in Fiona Kesby, CEO of Go Virtual Assistants, one of the largest BPOs in Cebu:

  • Believe in your people. Trust them, provide resources, and assure them that though this season will be tough, it’ll be worth it!
  • The leader’s #1 priority should be the psychological and emotional safety of all their employees. It’s a feeling that “we’re all in this together and we will make it through.”
  • Leaders are responsible for building culture in the organization. Teach them well and inspire them so they won’t even think about leaving.
  • Adversity pushes the boundaries of innovation and eventually leads to transformation.
  • There are too many blessings around us that we shouldn’t allow the pandemic to blind us.
  • Servant leadership is the best leadership style. This is a season where leaders really need to have the heart to care, nurture, empathize, encourage, and inspire people.
  • The success of the organization depends on its people as much as it depends on its leaders; they have to co-exist, collaborate, and truly trust each other especially now.
  • Have a mentality of abundance, not scarcity. You can’t control people from leaving your company but you can always find new people looking for opportunities.
  • Adversity teaches us to be humble enough not to know all the answers but resilient enough to get to the bottom of things and find results.
  • Always be grateful for whatever you have in front of you — family, friends, employees, health, and peace of mind. What you have may be little but it’s a lot for someone else.

To all the attendees, thank you for showing up! Please share the learning you gained because one idea, can make a whole lot of difference!

Thank you Fiona Kesby for your time and insights. The world needs CEOs just like you. Why? Because you’re rare.

To GOD be the glory! 💪🙏☝️

Husband, Dad, Corporate Trainer, Motivational Speaker, Inspirational Writer and Catalyst of Change.

Founder/Lead Trainer at The Academy for Extraordinary Teens Founder, Chief Empowering Officer at Maximum Impact Philippines.

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