ERRATUM: Encouraging Workers for Children the article incorrectly stated the price as 300.00 but it should 375.00. The previous price was the discounted amount during the book launch. Our apologies for any inconvenience.
Last August 14, 2018, at The Evangelical Center in Quezon City, OMF Literature and the Philippine Children’s Ministries Network (PCMN) introduced, “Encouraging Workers for Children,” a 180-day devotional book for people who work with and minister to children. This author was privileged to have an entry chosen for the book.
Fe A. Foronda, the National Director of PCMN intimates in the introduction of the book, “This book also illustrates that caring for children as a profession is acceptable, honorable, and a form of worship to God.” To which I wholeheartedly agree. Not too many people will rush to care for children, especially those with special needs. To those who do, this book seeks to honor their hard work, and at the same time, encourage them.
As Ms. Foronda rightfully observes, there is a lack of “devotional materials made specifically to build up workers for children.” The book hopes to fill that gap, and hopefully, that other publishers may follow suit as well.
It was very encouraging to see personally the number of people who wrote for the book. I counted 36 gifted writers including myself. I believe God gave us the inspiration to write for the book. I’m praying that out of this project, more writers will come out with articles, books, websites that will encourage workers for children.
Encouraging Workers for Children is distributed by OMF Literature and will be sold for 375.00 pesos each. Call them for details at (02) 531 4303.
BTW, during the launch, I was able to take a few photos which I am posting below.

PCMN National Director Fe N. Foronda introduces to the audience the book launch.

Prolific book author, Grace Chong, who is also the book’s lead editor reads one of entry from the book.

OMF Publishing Director, Yna Reyes, narrates OMF Literature’s role in the publication of the book.

Attendees to the book launch listen intently to OMF’s Yna Reyes.

Brian Wilkinson of Viva explains to the audience the importance of this book the workers for children.

Rommel Fuerte of World Vision recognizes the need for the book especially for WV’s field personnel who visit far-flung and remote places just to reach children.

Atty. Sam Inocencio, the National Director International Justice Mission

Unveiling the book from left: Grace Chong, Bishop Noel Pantoja, National Director of the Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches (PCEC), Fe Foronda, and Yna Reyes

Bishop Noel Pantoja leads the prayer of dedication for the book together with officers of PCMN.

A fitting photo opp with the people who gave birth to the vision of publishing a book on Encouraging Workers for Children